For the month of November, the EPS class will be studying about different types of clothing and why we wear certain kinds of clothing for different seasons. We will be comparing sizes, graphing the sizes that they wear, and learning each child's own size.
The children are being exposed to new and bigger words to help expand their vocabulary. Some words they are hearing are, "Fantastic, Amazing, and Cooperation." So, don't be surprised when they model this language at home!
The children will be making Applesauce in November. Each child will be cutting Apples and putting them into a slow cooker to cook for approximately four hours. They will experience cutting, measuring, and sharing. This activity will use all five senses, and they will eat it for snack time. We love cooking!
Children will also be vocalizing what and who they are thankful for. We will talk about this daily and read about family and friends. Some books we will be reading are, "The Giving Tree, “A Plate Full of Color,” “The Most Thankful Thing,” and “This is the Turkey." Please feel free to join us for reading to enjoy the stories with us. We love visitors!
The children are doing so well at potty training. Some are even going on their own without being told. Way to go, EPS! We are proud of your success!
Don't forget that Lesson plans are posted for your viewing, and I will be happy to answer questions.
Happy Fall! –Ms. KK