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Ms Jenny’s Class—Preschool

Welcome to February! It’s going to be a great month!

January was full of fun as we opened up our restaurant in dramatic play and worked on our first skills in our doctor’s office. We also got to welcome a new teacher to our classroom, and we are so excited that Miss Liz is going to be a part of our preschool family!

We are going to be doing some new things in February as we continue learning about the world around us and the people in it. We are going to start the month off learning about what it’s like to be a veterinarian. Children will be able to bring their favorite stuffed animal to our animal doctor’s office and will be able to explore the similarities and differences between human doctors and animal doctors.

Also in February, we will begin our travels around the world and learn about the cultures and people from other continents. This will be a wonderful opportunity for parents to get involved and help bring in their own stories and customs that will help bring enrichment to the class.

We haven’t been able to venture outside very often in recent weeks due to the cold, but warmer days ahead will mean spending more time exploring and enjoying the fresh air. Please make sure your child has the adequate clothing for the day and extra clothes in their cubbies just in case they are needed.

Again, we are so excited for new adventures, and we hope you will express any ideas you have that we may explore and share!

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