Hello from T2!
We have been busy exploring and learning. We have been reading stories, listening to music, doing art projects, exploring with sensory play, and spending as much time outside as possible.
We have explored shaving cream, and it’s one of our class favorites! We cover a cookie sheet with shaving cream, and the kids get to explore any way that they want. They quickly figured out they can draw things in the shaving cream, so they like to draw shapes and other things. In our sensory table we have had dry rice; then another week we had dry oatmeal with nutmeg, cinnamon, and cocoa powder in it. They liked burying things in it and digging to find what they had buried. They quickly noticed that it smelled good.
A few books the children have been enjoying are Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr., From Head to Toe by Eric Carle, and Five Little Monkeys by Eileen Christelow. They have also really enjoyed listening to the song, “Goin’ On a Bear Hunt” by Greg & Steve.
Our kids love getting messy! We have painted with mud and loved being able to bring it inside and use it in other ways other than digging. One of their favorite things to do is when we cover the table with paper and squirt paint all over, and they get to use their different body parts to paint with. It explores their creativity and their senses all in one. We have heard different responses such as “It’s cold” and “Eww, it’s squishy.”
We have enjoyed being able to spend so much time outside and getting the fresh air. We have had helpers with pulling the weeds out of the garden. We have been doing water play at least twice a week to beat the heat. Some kids enjoy every bit of running through the hose and getting soaked, and it’s taken other kids a little bit longer to warm up to playing in the water. We went on a walk around the pond, and the kids thought it was a great big adventure. They saw the water and all the cars driving by, and the ducks!
May has been a fun month, and we are looking forward to the coming months!
Mrs. Jessica & Miss Mollie