Delaware Child Development Center – Claremore has been delighted to have the high levels of participation over the last year from you all. Please be sure to mark your calendars for upcoming family events.
As a general reminder, our program hosts classrooms of mixed ages. Mixed age classrooms promote cooperation skills, allow for more individualized planning for each child, and also give the opportunity for children to have the same environment beyond their calendar birthdays. All seven of our classrooms are mixed; when we transition children into new learning spaces, it is with their development in mind.
This August we will have a transition room specific for toddlers. This allows children who may need that extra support the ability to grow at their own pace and slowly adjust to the preschool world. The transition classroom (formerly EPS 2) will adjust in activities and spaces as the children show they are ready.
The past year has been full of exciting adventures; Thank you all for participating. Lately we have renovated our kitchen and upgraded equipment for children. We have also boosted all children’s access to diverse literature and music. Over the past year our center has added some new faces and skills. We have welcomed aboard: 3 teachers working on their CDA, 3 teachers with their certificate of mastery, 1 teacher with their Associates, and 1 teacher with their Masters Degree. Together the teachers of our center have over 2600 hours of training in child development.
That is the level of commitment that we have to educating your children. We look forward to seeing you join us around the center!
Dominique Lewis