Hello from T1!
I feel like August just flew by in T1; we just had so much fun this month! We learned a lot about farm animals. The children absolutely adore any book that has farm animals in it! Some of our favorites this month were Animal Sounds and Big Red Barn. We also have some kiddos that are excellent at making animal noises—so good you would think we had a farm right in our center! We have been singing a lot of “Old McDonald” and letting the children pick which animals live on the farm. Some children even went beyond that and said that a “barn” and “tractors” live on the farm. They are just so smart!
It cooled down for a while in August, and we were able to go outside quite a bit more. An exciting thing we have been doing is trying to eat breakfast outside. We have received a brand new outdoor table set, and we have been trying to take advantage of continued use of the outside as an extension of our classroom. The children really seem to enjoy breakfast more outside!
In T1, we also have several new children who have transitioned. We have been taking a lot of time to make sure that all our little friends feel welcome and comfortable with each other and their environment! If you see a new little one in our class, please don’t be afraid to say “Hello!”
As always, we would love to have parents and grandparents, aunts or uncles come and spend some time in our classroom with us. Whether it is eating breakfast or reading a book, we would love to have you!
Ms Amanda, Ms Emily, and Ms Jade