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Ms Jessica's Class—Toddler 2

Happy New Year!

We can’t believe it’s already 2019! This past year has flown by! Now that the holidays have past, we are hoping everyone’s lives calm down. We appreciate everyone being so involved with all the happenings that have been going on in our class over the past month.

The whole month of December we went over Winter; we talked about the weather in Winter, the clothes you wear in Winter, and of course, Christmas. We got to visit with Santa and have a class party with some healthy snacks. Some of the art activities we did were painting with shaving cream, gluing yarn to paper, gluing tissue paper to paper, and finger painting. Some of the things we explored in our sensory table were dry oats, soapy water, and water with vanilla extract in it. The children love getting to explore all different kinds of textures.

During the first few weeks of January, we are going to talk about transportation. The children have really enjoyed talking about all kinds of transportation such as trains, airplanes, tractors, bulldozers, and all kinds of vehicles. Since the children are enjoying it so much, we decided we will go over it a little more in depth until they move on to the next interest. We will add some new vehicles in our classroom and do different activities to learn about transportation.

Now that the holiday craziness is over, we welcome anyone to come volunteer in our classroom. Just let us know what works for you!

Ms Jessica, Ms Jade, and Ms Ozzy

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