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Ms KK's Class - Early Preschool 1

Warm greetings from EPS 1!

December certainly has flown right by, and we have been busy waiting for Santa! The children have made crafts, decorated the room, and read numerous stories about the jolly man in red! Now, I must admit I was just as excited as those little faces were everytime we discussed Christmas time. It's not about the gifts at all. It's about family and being together as one. We have been learning about the joy of giving your time, being kind, and helping others, although they may not always understand because, as small children, they naturally want toys. However, I want to teach them the gift of giving to others as well as receiving.

In December we had new children transition to our classroom, and we are so happy to welcome them! They are fitting right in and have already made friends! We were sad to see our other friends go, but we know there is going to be a time when each child has to transition to a class that better suits his or her needs. So, for now, we will enjoy and learn, teach and discover, and laugh and imagine.

For the month of January, we will be discussing weather and animals that hibernate. Of course, we are hoping to see the cold white stuff falling from the ground once again; however, if that doesn't happen, we won't complain too much. We are going to make snow in our class! It will be right in our sensory table, and if you happen to pass by and want to play in it, feel free to come in and make a snowball!

If you have ever looked in the Farmer’s Almanac, you know there are some delicious recipes that can be found there for soups, warm drinks, and of course, weather predictions as well. It's so interesting to read through it and study the facts. Also, there is a farmer's almanac for kids. Check it out!

We would like to invite you to drop in and say “Hello” to our class and meet our new students! Happy New Year!

Ms. KK and EPS 1

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