Hello from Toddler 4!
We have been exploring science this month. One topic of discussion in our class is the weather. We liked talking about the snow this past month and the clothes we have to wear when it’s cold. We also planted beans in a mason jar and watched them sprout. The children really enjoy watering the beans to help them grow.
As we move into next month, we will continue with learning about science. Soon we will be planting our own seeds that we can water and take home when they begin to grow! We will also be exploring all things nature. So, if your child picks up a stick or a rock, encourage exploration and imagination!
We will be having a Valentine’s Day Party on Friday, February 14th. A sign-up sheet will be on the door, and we would love for you to join us! And as always, stop by anytime to read a book, explore art, or just hang out and play! It’s always great to spent time together.
Ms. Emily and Ms. Riley