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Ms Amanda's Class - Toddler C

Amidst the current pandemic in our world, as well as our children’s world, things have been turned upside down, creating chaotic days filled with hectic schedules.

In these times, children’s usual daily routines are now somewhat nonexistent. For the month of May, we would like to focus on following routines and enhancing our listening skills through following directions and helping each other to complete daily routines within the classrooms. We will be focusing on creating a sense of normalcy and community in our daily routines with visual schedules and teamwork within the classroom. The children will be asked to help during specific times during the day to complete our daily routines to enhance their abilities to listen and follow directions. For instance, “Sally, will you please go get the music instruments off the shelf? It is now time for music and movement.” Or “Okay everyone, time to clean up for circle time.” By asking the children to complete these tasks in this manner, it develops a sense of routine, and the children know what is coming next. This also promotes children to work together to get the job done so they can explore the next exciting activity of the day.

Ms. Amanda

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