Hello, Parents!
It was a pleasure meeting all of you. I have enjoyed this little time with your children so far. I am a child led teacher, so I will take my time getting to know your child's likes and dislikes. In knowing this, it will provide me the necessary tools to teach your children.
The theme for the month of April will be “Let’s Talk”. I am big on Social Emotional and its importance for school readiness. In the month of April, I will work on communicating with the children as I get to know them by observing their body language. We will focus on emotions through communication, books, and songs.
Social and Emotional Development
Standard 1 - The toddler will develop social skills and a sense of security through relationships with others who consistently meet his or her needs.
16-36 Months - The toddler may continue to develop social interaction skills and begin to show independence while maintaining strong attachments with new caregivers.
Social and Personal skills
Standard 1 - The child participates in activities to develop the skills necessary for working and interacting with the new teacher.
Ms. Teresa and Ms. Jennifer
