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Ms Anita's Class - Toddler 1

Hello, Families!

Last month in T1, we focused on insects and how different plants and vegetables grow. The children loved reading books and looking at pictures of the different plants and vegetables. In class we learned the life cycle of a butterfly and began naming different bugs that we would see in the classroom and out of the classroom. While outside, we really had a blast looking at bugs and getting to know about them hands-on. We have been taking advantage of the nice weather in the morning by starting our day outside and eating breakfast.

This month we will focus on number recognition. The child will begin to develop an awareness of quantity. We will be reading and singing songs about numbers to get the children more engaged with learning their numbers. In class we will also be asking questions like, “How many babies are there?” or “How many fingers are there on one hand?” This type of question helps to provide the tools they need to begin to recognize quantity and numbers. They will be filling and dumping out buckets and learning the words full, empty, and all gone, etc. We encourage the families to begin counting while doing everyday things with your child like getting dressed, jumping, walking, and playing. Ask questions to encourage your child to count.

We are so excited to see what all new experiences the children will have inside and outside of class this month!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at


Miss Anita and Miss Jordan


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