Greetings to all our families!
In May we spent time building large muscles as we explored our environment by running, jumping, spinning, and flipping. The rain provided opportunities to practice balancing skills as the kids walked through the mud. We even used our muscles for art as we used a child-sized mop to paint on a large piece of paper on the floor. We read books that included movements like Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and library books Stretch, Wiggle, and Bounce by Doreen Cronin in which the kids enjoyed seeing the dog move and moving with him.
In June we will be working on the children’s curiosity and problem solving. We will be doing activities such as painting with ice, mixing colors of paint, showing 3 objects and hiding one asking which is missing, and having the kids look for objects of a certain color. We will read books including King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub, It Looked Like Spilt Milk, and Mouse Paint.
New research shows that the more curious children are, the better they do academically in reading and math once they enter school.
By Rebecca Parlakian, MA, Ed., and Prachi Shah, MD, ZERO TO THREE.
Ms. Debra Ms. Angie
