Welcome, warmer weather!
I enjoy the warmer weather because the children get the opportunity to spend more time during outdoor exploration. Outside time is vital for children to learn. Studies indicate that playing and relaxing in natural settings can defuse stress. Brief nature walks can reduce anxiety, distraction, and symptoms of ADHD. And when schools take kids outside to learn, kids have become more motivated and self-directed.
In the month of April, we were able to celebrate Week of the Young Child with different activities throughout the week. The children made maracas; tried something sweet, salty, and sour; used tissue paper to create a glass window shape; and painted a canvas as a class. Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) to celebrate early learning, young children, and their teachers and families.
In the upcoming month, as we keep an eye on the weather (we all know how Oklahoma weather can be), we will begin to enjoy more outside time. We will be reading stories outside, having lessons outside, and going on nature walks. Dirt is our friend, and we welcome it with open arms.
The class will also begin to study life cycles of insects and reptiles and begin working more on letters in the alphabet. It is the time of year when we will begin to see butterflies and lady bugs, and do not forget those pesky mosquitoes. As we begin to see them, we will learn about the purpose of their existence.
While on the playground, the class found a frog. They wanted to know more about it - where it comes from, where he lives, why he was at school. All the questions were answerable. Frogs lay eggs, and when they hatch, they are pollywogs/tadpoles, they then grow up and become a frog. They live everywhere. They are at our school because just as we are learning about them, they want to learn about us. Children’s interests are important; they are telling us what they want to learn about, and we need to listen.
Ms. Trista
