Welcome to Spring, Preschool!!
I hope everyone is loving the warmer weather! We had a lot of fun in April! I want to thank all the parents and families that joined us on our field trip to Wheels and Thrills and the park. The kids had a really great time!
We are really excited about what May will bring us! We will continue our travel around the world in May, starting with a imaginary trip down to South America where we will learn about the different foods, people, and culture.
This month we will be taking a field trip to Elder Care on Wednesday, May 16th. I am so excited for the kids to have this wonderful experience. There are so many positive benefits that come with integrating generations! Aside from promoting self-esteem and friendships in our children, they also have the opportunity to learn about the difference in generations and the world through meaningful connections with older people. How wonderful it will be to see new friendships being formed!
It is finally Spring, and warmer weather is returning! This would be a good time to check what extra clothes your child has in his/her cubby and replace them with clothes more appropriate for the weather, such as short sleeves and light jackets for the morning.
This is also a perfect time to talk to the kids about what kind of storm safety plan you have in place at home. Your children’s safety is always the highest priority to us. We have regular storm safety drills, and we talk to the kids about being safe when the weather isn’t.
If you have any questions or concerns, please remember you can always set up a time to discuss them with me, and our door is always open for parents who want to come in and interact with the kids!
Thank you for being a part of our wonderful world in Preschool!