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Ms Jennifer's Class

Hello! This past month we have been talking about animals. We discussed different types of animals, where they live, and the sounds they make. We also did some fun animal art. We have also been exploring some of the other new toys that we got for our classroom. The new blocks have been a real interest to several of the children, so we have spent a lot of time building different things and stacking the different blocks to see how tall we can get them before they fall or they get knocked down. Since the children have been so interested in the different animals, we have decided to continue to talk about them for another week or two before we move on to talk colors. I have a lot of fun activities planned to explore with the children when we start talking about colors, such as exploring how to mix different colors to make new colors and going outdoors to find how many different colors we see. Colors are all around us. I’m looking forward to exploring colors with them and seeing them get interested in becoming more aware of all the colors that surround them every day. We invite you to come join us for a meal or to read books with us! We encourage family involvement. Thank you, Ms Jennifer & Ms Mollie

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