The goal for the Program is to improve the quality of the child care program by building a strong relationship-based foundation of care for infants and toddlers. We have Infant Toddler Specialists across the state who have experience working in programs with infants and toddlers. They are degreed and have received specialized training to work with the providers in the community. We want to offer the opportunity to accept your program into Oklahoma Right Start at no cost to you.
Benefits to Programs:
Receiving 30 hours of coaching for staff related to Six Essential Practices of Infant/Toddler Care
Building effective learning environments
Providing support focusing on strong relationships between children and their caregiver
Expanding positive relationships with families
Increasing community involvement and support through resources
Benefits to Professionals:
Free formal training in effective positive interactions with children and their families
Coaching on methods to develop strong relationships and trust with your children
Support and ideas to assist children who may have challenging behaviors
Personalized observation and specific input to form Quality Improvement Plans for your classroom
Benefits to Children:
Relationship-based caregivers
Age-appropriate learning environments
Assistance in building learning environments and learning social skills through play
Benefits to Families:
Caregivers who have received specialized professional development in infant and toddler care
Improved opportunities for relationship building with caregivers
Parent meetings to learn new ways to engage in play and have conversation with your children
Program must provide care for Infants and Toddlers
Program must apply and be accepted into the project
Program must be OKDHS Licensed at a 1 Star Plus or higher and have a current subsidy contract
Program must have at least 10% capacity filled with children receiving subsidy
Program must select one staff member working at least 30 hours a week with Infant and Toddlers
Want to improve the quality of your child care program?
Contact the Infant/Toddler Specialist at Delaware Child Development Resource & Referral
to work with the children and providers in your program.