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Ms Ashley & Ms Gabi's Class - Infants

Hello again from the infant room!

We have been continuing to work on our fine motor and gross motor skills. To work on fine motor skills, we have been doing lots of finger painting with the kids. The purpose of this is for the children to feel different textures and help them learn how to work their fingers and hands together. To work on gross motor skills, we have been working with the younger infants on sitting up and rolling over. For the older infants, we have been working on standing and walking.

In the Month of March our focus will be on the color green and also learning the word in Spanish which is Verde. We will also focus on counting to 4 in English and Spanish. By working on these skills, it will help strengthen the children’s vocabulary and strengthen their communications and their brain development. To help continue their development at home and at school, I will be giving out papers with the colors for both February and March in Spanish and finally this same information in sign language so we can further develop their brains and vocabulary.


Ms. Ashley and Ms. Gabi

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