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Family Child Care Home 3 - Owasso

Hello, parents and families of FCCH3!

With the holidays and New Year finally winding down, we are ready to enter the cold months! In February we will be doing our own spin on a favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is all about “love,” so we will be focusing on the people and things that we love! Parents will be asked to bring in pictures of family members, and we will talk about them throughout the day. Friends can also bring in a stuffed animal that they love so we can learn more about new friends.

Please be aware that we do go outside when it is cold, so please bring appropriate winter attire for your child so they can explore the outdoors with us!

As always, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your little one’s lives. We truly enjoy watching them learn and grow every day!

Ms. Carly and Ms. Gabi

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