Did you know that the cultural tradition of “Spring Cleaning” and reducing clutter has health benefits for your family? Research shows that spaces with less clutter reduce stress, provide clarity of mind, contain less nooks and crannies for dust and mold, and save families money. Your child can be involved in the efforts too. An idea is to have your child donate toys they don’t use anymore. Another idea is to consider open-ended toys, toys with multi-purpose when adding to your child’s collection. Some families do toy and clothes swapping as their children grow older. Whatever the method, consider also the environmental benefits of living more minimalistic. Families can read more about the benefits of “stuff reduction” at this link here: https://www.becomingminimalist.com/minimalism-benefits/ OR https://www.thekindestway.com/how-minimalism-can-help-your-mental-health/
Thank you to everyone who worked with us to get your child’s Ages and Stages Questionnaire complete. Parents and teachers working together helps renew our commitment to partner for the benefit of the children.
Dominique Lewis
Site Director