Happy Spring from EPS1!
We certainly hope everyone is having fun enjoying the beautiful weather! This class has been using our outside time for catching up on some much needed gross motor action! We have begun kicking around the soccer ball, stretching those muscles, and counting the kicks as we go along. It’s so amazing to experience the art of watching children being able to master the things they work hard for!
Now, speaking of ball players, on the coldest of days, we simply have a makeshift goal and take turns shooting baskets! Let me say, these children have skills! They are also practicing hopping, jumping, fine motor, eye/hand coordination, socializing, and counting! The list goes way beyond that. So, with play comes a ton of learning! This class is amazing! I do believe we are raising professional ball players! Way to go!
We also took a nature walk around the pond looking for four leaf clovers for St. Patrick’s Day. Everyone was so excited to glance here and there at the water and rocks and surroundings, I’m not sure there was much concentration going on with the little green things! That’s okay; it’s always fun to bring the learning experience outdoors and allow the children to take the lead! We did make some fun green paintings on aluminum foil, and the sensory was awesome!
I sure miss my class, and hope we are together soon. Please continue reading to your child and enjoying your time with them. Earth day will be coming up this month, so it’s a great time to enjoy reading books on a blanket under a tree and discussing Spring and how to help keep Mother Earth beautiful. Remember to celebrate and rejoice everything the earth gives us, such as beautiful weather.
Some of our favorite books in class are: Kite Day, Spring is Here, and The Itsy Bitsy Bunny. If you would like to find out more fun facts for kids about earth day, go to Earth day for Kids by Michael Quadro.
As always, feel free to come by and say hello!
Ms. KK and EPS 1

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