Hey, Ivy Academy Community!
Summer is upon us, and the daily temperatures are not the only temperatures that are rising. People have been cooped up for months and are at their wits end, which is why it’s more important than ever to understand how to self-regulate. Self-regulation is the ability to control oneself from within. Usually this is focused around an emotional state of being. Why do I mention this? Well, here at Ivy Academy, our teachers are focused on our core principles which allows them to work daily with your children to build their social emotional foundation. A significant piece of that foundation is the ability to self-regulate. This skill is truly important for our children as they become adults who must be able to regulate their emotions successfully when dealing with challenging or stressful situations.
How do we do this, you ask? Through effective communication when moments of struggle with sharing, hitting, biting, etc., occur. When little Sarah takes little Jon’s toy, we teach them to use their words to express their frustrations and not their hands. We show them breathing techniques that allow their body to calm down and many other strategies to self-regulate in high stress moments. The teachers are intentional in doing so and incorporate activities within their lesson plans to provide opportunities to successfully regulate. We want the best for your children, and having a healthy understanding of how to self-regulate allows your child to grow up with a healthy social emotional foundation.
Attached are a couple of links containing short videos. One is about self-regulation and provides a better understanding of it; the other provides some games you can use in the home to support teaching self-regulation. As for us adults, there are many tools at our disposal to assist with self-regulation, from Zen practices all the way through apps and therapy supports. Take the time to care for yourself and lead by example. Throughout the month, be on the lookout for additional techniques to practice with your children. That information will be sent to you via Kid Reports.
We look forward to a great Summer and serving your children!
Larry Lewis
Site Director