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Ms Courtney & Ms Erika's Class - Preschool

Hello, Friends & Families from PreK!

Spring is here, and that means so are some of our favorite things: fresh flowers, buckets of rain, and you guessed it, bugs! Who doesn’t just love bugs?! I know our preschool friends do, for sure. We have spent the last few weeks discussing and experiencing the life cycle of butterflies. The kiddos helped care for the caterpillars, watched as they transformed into cocoons, and waved goodbye as they flew off as butterflies. We were so excited to see them go, but they have also been missed in the classroom. Because we had so much fun with the butterflies, we decided to continue learning about bugs and creepy crawlies.

This upcoming month we will be learning more about bugs and how to care for them. We will have worms in our classroom for the kiddos to experience firsthand. During our outdoor adventures, we will spend intentional time searching for and identifying bugs and creepy crawlies. We will also be exploring outside of the playground fence to see what types of bugs we can find. Make sure to check out Kid Reports to see the pictures!

Ms. Courtney & Ms. Erika

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