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Ms Mollie's Classroom 3

Hello from Classroom Three!

Summer is still here and temperatures are still heating up. Even though our outdoor time has been limited because of the high temperatures, we are still getting out there and moving our bodies. Children will even ask for their sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats so that the sun won’t hurt them. We talk about the weather throughout the day as it is Oklahoma and is always changing.

It’s that time again for transitions in our class. A few of our classmates will be transferring to one of our other centers and entering into Early Preschool. We will miss them so much, but know that they will be in great hands and eager to meet new friends, have new toys, and a new playground. When the time comes for us to get new friends, we will welcome them with open arms and show them how we do things in our class, what we like to play with, and show them that we like to get messy.

For our friends that will still be with us, we are going to focus on Communication skills and Literacy. As Teachers and Parents, we are waiting for the day that they start to say one word, then two words, and so forth. But we also have to remember that we want them to be able to pronounce their words correctly as well. Helping children learn how to form and shape their mouths and tongue to be able to properly pronounce a sound in a word is very important. We want to be able to understand them as well as have them understand us. Helping them strengthen this skill will better prepare them for having peer interactions at school and home.

Hopefully, soon we can invite our families back into the center to join us during the day. We miss having visitors, but know that we have safety rules for a reason. Here is a quote that I found that fits for our class this month:

“You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they will be a little bigger than they are today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today mama. It will be over before you know it.” Jen Hatmaker

Ms. Mollie & Ms. Ashley S.

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