Hello from the Under the Sea!
Over the last month our classroom has been studying sea creatures. We have discussed what types of food they eat and different parts of their anatomy, and we have read many books about sea creatures as well. The class has worked on coordination by moving through sea creature “Simon Says.” Then, they further developed cognitive skills by acting out sea creatures and having their friends guess what creatures they were. One of their favorite parts of this month was creating sea foam to play in both inside and outside. I have included the sea foam recipe if you would like to make it at home.
With more children rejoining our class, we will go back to the basics of the classroom to help the children adjust to a fuller class size. This means we will spend the next month exploring all the centers in the room, talking about our check-in list, discussing the schedule, and having visits from workers within our center. We will also capitalize on each child’s daily job to help them know their role in the classroom and give them a sense of accomplishment. Be looking for daily KidReports notifications so you can stay up to date on all we are learning (with pictures included)!
Sea Foam Recipe: In a medium sized bowl combine 2 Tablespoons of dish soap with ¼ Cup of water. Use a stand or hand mixer to froth the water and soap until stiff peaks form. Pour out the mixture and enjoy! Essential oils make a nice addition for even more elaborate sensory play.