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Ms KK's Class - Early Preschool 1

Greetings from EPS 1!

Here we are, enjoying the last days of Summer and preparing for the first days of Fall! Father time is moving rapidly, to say the least. For the month of September, we have some fun things planned, and I would like to share them with you! We will be watching closely at the changing leaves and flower buds. We welcome Fall on September 22nd, and I'm not sure about you, but we feel like Summer just began, with the warm temperatures and water play. Now as the days are getting shorter, the morning temperatures are cooler, and the evening temperatures may require a sweater. This makes for a perfect time to be together, spending time outdoors, and taking in some fresh air. Riding bikes, reading, walking your dog, or going to the park is great exercise, and children will love these simple ideas!

In the fall, there is always gardening to be done as well. According to the Farmers Almanac, you can plant a lot of different things. Here at our center, our gardening has slowed down some, but our class is still watching the tomatoes grow from the vines and change from green to red.

If you happen to smell Applesauce in our center, you won't be disappointed, because this class will be studying Apples, and what a better way to be hands-on than to make their own Applesauce! It's yummy, healthy, and the children love getting to experience what it's like to make their own snack!

As the weather is getting cooler, don't forget to put out food for our fine feathered friends! Yes, you guessed it! The birds will be looking for food, and our class will be making a bird food holder for them using a toilet paper roll, peanut butter, and bird seed. We are excited!

Fun Fact: September 22nd, First day of Fall. September 22nd, Autumnal Equinox, Equal Hours of Daylight and Dark.

If you see us out and about on the playground, honk as you go by!

Ms. KK and EPS 1

Kellie Gee

Master Teacher EPS

DCDC Bartlesville

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