The month of August has been filled with lots of new skills. The children have learned so many new things, and the children’s physical development has blossomed.
For the month of September, we are going to continue to work on the children’s physical development skills. The ELG that we will be focusing on is: Demonstrate increasing control of small muscles in hands. The way that I will work with the children on this skill is to introduce sign language. I will also work with my older infants on holding a sippy cup with their hands and working with using forks and spoons.
The other ELG that I will focus on is Communication skills: Demonstrate an increasing ability to communicate. When working on communication with the children, I will send out different sign language gestures that we will work on throughout the month of September. I will also do a lot of eye contact with the children when speaking to them.
I look forward to watching the children grow and learn these new skills.
Ms. Ashley