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Ms Amanda's Class - Toddler 2


February was busy but so much fun! We talked about love and friendship, being kind to our friends, and being helpful. We love to help our friends when they need it. We also continued to talk about our feelings and our emotions. We are getting really good at using our words to talk to our friends, and we are getting better at identifying when someone else is sad or upset. Our whole class likes to help wish our friends well when they are upset.

Due to the weather and being out of school, we had to miss our Valentine’s Day party, but we were able to pass a few valentines to friends. Thank you so much for everyone who brought valentines to share. The snow and ice wasn’t all bad for us, though. When we came back to school, we were able to go out for a little while to play in the snow. We even found a bump under the snow and went out as a class to dig it up to see what it was. It ended up being a chunk of ice that we were surprised to see. The guesses we had beforehand were comical - everything from a turtle, a ball, and even spiders! But we got to crunch the snow under our feet, touch it with our hands, and throw it. It was so much fun!

During the month of March, we will continue to talk about our feelings and emotions. We will also start talking about colors and shapes. You can help by pointing out the colors and shapes you see at home. Some of us are starting to notice and identify letters. You can do this at home, too. When you see letters (or you can even draw them), start talking about them. We do the majority of this learning while we play; for example, pointing out the colors we are playing with or drawing shapes or letters in the sand and talking about them. Learning through play is our favorite way of learning!

We are definitely ready for March and hopefully for some warmer weather! Please make sure you always send your children with at least a light jacket. We love going outside to do our learning. Also, I will be checking cubbies soon and sending you a message on Kid Reports if your child is in need of more extra clothes.

Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to care for your children.

Ms. Amanda


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