Hello from Toddler 1!
We have been working this month on communication skills and early literacy. We are working on building communication between peers as well as between teachers and children. We have also been talking about familiar symbols, logos, and experiences in our community. It is important to be able to provide those experiences to your children whenever you are out at a restaurant - look at the menu and talk about the different items on the menu. We have also been exploring different drawing tools to develop fine motor skills such as painting and coloring with markers and colored pencils. Communication is key in many everyday experiences, even as an adult. These skills are quite beneficial, and we have so much fun learning them in the classroom.
As we move into the month of August, we will switch our focus towards science. The skills we will be working on in the classroom involve questioning, exploring, problem solving, and examining, as well as exploring different concepts of the earth and living things. We can find ways to explore in many everyday activities. We also love exploring different aspects of the earth in living things whenever we spend time on our playground. The children love to observe the flower gardens and different insects those flowers bring such as bees, butterflies, and lady bugs. We will have many conversations about insects and other things as we will also be painting our own insects in the classroom. We have been busy learning in the classroom, and we hope to continue that learning as we move into August.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to me any time during the day!
Miss Emily and Miss Ozzy
