Hello from Early Preschool!
We certainly have enjoyed our time outside and enjoying the warm weather that has been upon us. Mother Nature doesn't disappoint when it comes to bringing in sunshine and flowers, and we are very grateful for that! The class has been gathering different things outside and studying them under the magnifying glasses, even though it may quickly turn to other things like the line in one's hand and looking at each other through the big lens. Whatever the case may be, it's all child led, and the learning is clearly unpredictable.
April was "Child Abuse Awareness Month", and our class celebrated "Week of the Young Child". We did different activities each day, and the two favorites were our Tea Party and the day the farm animals came to visit. On Tuesday, the children were engaged in pouring and drinking "Tea" aka water, out of breakable cups and a teapot. They also enjoyed a delicious snack and discussed how good everything tasted! It was heartwarming to watch them transform from early preschoolers to children who, for a minute, didn't need adult input.
Now when the farm animals came to visit on Monday, the children were excited and loved the way they looked and sounded, and the children would have stayed out there all day if they could have. It was fun watching them pet the soft fur and inching closer and closer as the animals waited for a little pat here and there. It's always a good learning experience when things are brought to life in front of your eyes. A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible!
For the month of May, we will be talking about our mothers and how deep their love is for us. We will be gearing up for Summer and Picnics, and we can't wait! We want to wish all our mothers a very Happy Mother's Day on Sunday May 9th!
Thank you for reading our blog and remember to honk if you see us on the playground!
Ms. KK and the EPS 1
