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Ms Stormee's Class - Infants 2

In Infant 2 we have been learning lots of new and interesting ways of physical movement. Going outside on the warmer days has been one of the children’s favorite activities as well as spending as much time outdoors and allowing their bodies to move in the larger, spread-out environment. They use a lot of gross motor movement outdoors because of the different variation of textures, toys, & space, etc.

Being an infant in a global pandemic is hard, but we make sure to keep our days consistent and normal. As some of our infants have gotten older, they have become the biggest fans of brushing their teeth, which is something we do with them once a day.

We pulled the slimy insides out of a pumpkin and let the older infants play with it as well as feel the different textures as part of their sensory play. For the younger infants, we put it in a Ziploc bag and sealed it on all sides and let them touch and explore it that way.

With the holidays coming up, we want to wish everyone safe and happy travels, and we hope everyone enjoys their time with family! Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to love and care for your children.

Ms. Stormee Avallone


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