Ms Tiffany's EPS 1 Class Update We want to welcome Ms Amanda to EPS 1!
You will see her a lot in our room. She is also a substitute, so some days she will be in other rooms. We are thankful to have her! We are working on getting the daily routine down and getting in the groove of how things should go in our room. We are starting to talk about fall and trees. We are excited about watching the leaves change colors in the upcoming weeks!
If parents have have any acorns, pine cones, or different shapes/colors of leaves, we'd appreciate donations. We are hoping to plan a field trip to the Zoo for Polar Bear Days in the late fall. Parents are welcome to come with their child.
Remember, with the weather getting cooler, please check your child's cubby and change out summer clothes for warmer ones. Thanks for all the support from our families!
Ms Sharon's EPS 2 Class Update In EPS 2, we have made a few changes to the layout of our room. We now have a full class and are getting to know each other better. In our lesson plans we are shifting gears to focus on exercise. We will be trying out some different exercises and inquiring into what are some of the favorite exercises of our family members. We will give each child a chance to talk about what their favorite exercise is and demonstrate it for us all to try during Circle Time.
In addition to our new space for learning, we also have a new photo frame for pictures. We would love for each family to send a photo for the wall. The photo can be the entire family or just the children and their siblings.
My last reminder is that our weather is changing now, so it is a good time to bring in a few more clothing items for layering. Please put your child's name on all the items so we can return them to you in case they get misplaced.