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Ms Elizabeth's Class - Early Preschool 2

We have been having a great time growing and learning all year! We are continuing to becoming more independent at school, and hopefully at home, too. The kids are getting pretty good at getting ready to go outside by themselves. We are working on zipping our coats and putting on our mittens by ourselves.

I would also encourage you to think about what learning experiences you can give them at home, as well. This might include putting away their own clothes, setting the table, sorting the socks, etc. Although it probably won't be the same way you would do it, I bet their excitement for completing the task would be worth it -- well, at least until they figure out that you are really putting them to work! :)

Even though February is the shortest month of the year, we have much going on! It is the international month of friendship which we will honor with discussions, stories, and encouragement on how to show love to friends.

February is also national children’s dental health month, so we will begin introducing our students to health and nutrition which will play a greater role in the upcoming months.

We have a celebration planned for Valentine’s Day and encourage you to bring valentines for your child to share with their classmates.

Our Valentine curriculum will feature many art explorations using theme colors and heart shapes to decorate our classroom - mobiles, valentines, bubble painting, spray art, and more! We will also continue with winter related projects such as making snow globes, building outside with ice blocks, and the occasional indoor snowball fight!

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