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Ms KK’s Class—Early Preschool

During the month of February, we had so much fun drawing and gluing hearts and using all different effects to create a Valentine card for each parent. The children worked very hard and used beautiful items to make each card special.

We have been learning about the heart muscle and where it is located. The children have also come to realize that in order to keep your heart happy and healthy, you must exercise to keep it strong. We ended our lesson with a Valentine party and delicious healthy treats. A huge thanks to all parents who brought goodies and joined us for our fun day! We appreciate you so much!

We also enjoyed a Science experiment with eggs, food coloring, and vinegar. What will happen when the egg is left in vinegar for 3 days? You should try this at home. You may be pleasantly surprised!

For the month of March, we will be doing a lot of things that will intrigue this class with questions, curiosity, and learning beyond their imagination! March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, and you guessed it! We will be talking about and reading our favorite Dr. Seuss books. We will also be eating "Green Eggs" and the class will be involved in the coloring of eggs. This will be a good science experiment and a wonderful time of learning. Don't be surprised when your child wants to make "Green Eggs" at home.

We will also be discovering Johnny Appleseed and what makes him an interesting legend. After all, apples are a favorite fruit in our class, and what a fun way to talk about some of the history of apples. Who knows? You may even be smelling some fresh applesauce cooking as you walk into our classroom.

As you may be aware, Spring is right upon us. That always brings a lot of new beginnings with green grass, blooming flowers, and warmer weather. It always makes me think of St. Patrick's Day, and of course, Shamrocks! The week of March 12th the children will be in full mode digging around in the fresh grass for none other than Four Leaf Clovers. A lot of things can be said about those tiny green plants, and some of those would be why are they so special and what makes them unique. Don't forget to wear Green on Saturday, March 17th! On March 20th, we will be discussing the first day of Spring. We can't wait to go walking and collect new nature items for our classroom—and of course, to create collages.

We are going to be very busy! Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for outside play and getting dirty!

As always, you are welcome to join in our fun and enjoy our class with us! Thank you, and Happy Spring!

Ms. KK and the EPS Class

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