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Ms Sarah & Ms Kelsey's Class - Toddler B

We are the Dinosaurs!

We are learning all about Dinosaurs this month! The children are very interested in dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes. We have been reading books and singing songs about dinosaurs. We have also been playing with dinosaurs in our sensory table with various materials, including dirt, oatmeal, soapy water and even ice! We have also been painting with dinosaurs and creating our own dinosaurs. Next, we are going to create our own dinosaur eggs and make dinosaur shadows. The kiddos have really been enjoying our newfound favorite music and movement song, “We are the Dinosaurs” by Laurie Berkner Band which can be found on YouTube. We know your children would enjoy hearing this song at home and showing you all the movements that go along with it!

We are still working hard on potty training. We have several kiddos that are beginning to master the art of using the potty, but we need your help as parents. Please remember to dress your child in loose fitting clothes that are easy for your child to put on, pull up, and take off on their own. (Example: sweatpants or leggings) Dressing and undressing are very important self-help skills for children to learn; it helps them understand that they can be independent and do it themselves!

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