Greetings from EPS!
We have been very busy in April, and we are loving it! This class is finishing up our Study on Bread, and we have had the opportunity to taste different kinds of bread and learn to think beyond a plain slice of white bread from a bag. The children each made their own small loaf and took it home to share with their family. What an experience! On April 30th, we will be visiting a bakery and will be watching and learning how to grind up wheat. We will be counting different types of bread and tasting a sample of something delicious!
We celebrated Week of the Young Child by participating in activities the week of April 16th-20th. Our very favorite was going on a field trip to Wheels and Thrills in Owasso. We played basketball with a life-sized brown dog, had races on the floor, and climbed the indoor playground. We ended our fun-filled day with a picnic lunch at the park! We also made our very own Tie Dye shirts. What a wonderful way to celebrate children! A huge “thanks” to all who participated!
In May we will be watching our garden closely to see what will come up! It’s always amazing to observe how the children are studying and watching their vegetables grow. They will be waiting for the perfect time to pick them so that Ms Hope can prepare them in the kitchen and add the veggies to our meals.
We now have some new friends in our class; so if you have the time, feel free to stop by and welcome them to our school! As always, we appreciate our parents, and you are welcome in our classroom anytime.
Thank you, and we wish you a wonderful start to the Summer!
Ms KK and EPS!