Dear Parents,
We are so thrilled to see our DCDC Bartlesville expansion going up! The completion will create five more classrooms and a safe room to take shelter in during dangerous weather. This expansion will allow us to provide quality child care for approximately 51 more children. The trajectory time of completion is Spring 2019.
You should expect to see some new personnel around DCDC Bartlesville who are training to be teachers in the expansion. Your child's teacher will not change due to the expansion, but your child's classroom location may change.
As the expansion is going up, the teachers have used this opportunity to start investigation-learning experiences with the children in all the classrooms. Teachers have been asking and answering lots of questions about the big equipment and construction crews. This brings new learning experiences into the classrooms, like exploring how things are built, who builds things, and what this means for their school.
The expansion will allow the Family Service Coordinator to be housed on-site to better serve our families. Also, DCDC Bartlesville will be able to serve and educate more families in our community and provide more career opportunities for Early Childhood professionals.
Tina McClintic