Hello from T2!
October has flown by, and we are so excited Fall is here! We have been very busy in our classroom. In the beginning of October we continued talking about farm animals. The children really enjoyed listening to “Old MacDonald Had A Farm” and listening to animal noises. Some books they enjoyed were Big Red Barn and Five Little Ducks. Toward the end of the month we started talking about fall. We talked about what the weather is like in the fall, what changes are in the trees in the fall, the different clothes we wear in the fall, pumpkins, and much more!
We have been doing a lot of process art activities which encourages the children to use their imaginations and create whatever they choose. We have painted with all kinds of colors using different techniques such as finger painting, painting with leaves, and using different sizes of paint brushes. Another thing the children enjoyed was bringing some fall leaves that have fallen and exploring them inside, including throwing them up in the air and having them in our science center. The children definitely enjoy being able to bring nature inside.
October is Fire Prevention Month, so the firefighters brought a fire truck for us to explore. They also talked to us about fire safety and put their gear on in front of the children. It was a very interesting experience for all the children. We can’t thank them enough for taking time out of their schedule to come talk to us.
Ms Mollie had an opportunity to go to a center that our organization is opening on the west side of town. She will definitely be missed but will come visit whenever she can. Ms Jade will be filling her spot. She has been next door in T1, and we are so grateful for her help!
As always, if any of our parents or grandparents would like to come volunteer, we are always up for it! Just let us know, and we will adapt our schedule to fit yours.
Thank you to everyone for your constant involvement in our classroom!
Ms Jessica & Ms Jade