Hello, Parents!
This year has been incredible, and the switch to preschool has been going great. I would also like to introduce you to my new Assistant Teacher, Ms Mercedes. I hand picked this one myself. Ms Mercedes will continue to get her Child Development Certificate, all while teaching your children. Please help me welcome her!
As we travel to the last month of this year, we will continue to work on developing our language/literacy skills. This is a big part of your child’s development, so I am opening the door for grandparents/parents to come every Friday to read a couple of stories between 10:45-11:30 A.M. to our children. When the kids get to see their parents participating, it gives them a sense of comfort of being away from you. If you would like to be a part of this, email me at twilliams@delawarechild.org.
December will be learning through sensory, science, reading, and art. We will create through painting unusual things like iced Christmas trees. We will watch what happens to a candy cane when it sits in water. We will make snow using our fine motor skills.
I look forward to seeing some of you for reading time!
Thank you,
Ms Teresa