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Ms Mollie's Classroom 3

Hello from Classroom 3! This last month we talked about science and nature. We read books about insects and bugs, so the class wanted to explore outside to see if they could find any, and they did! Worms, cicadas, butterflies, and garden snakes are just some of what we found. Some were hesitant to touch and pick up them up, but most wanted to pick them up and show us right away what they had just discovered.

We also talked about how our body moves and how to take care of it. We talked about the importance of moving our bodies and fueling them with healthy foods so that we can grow big and strong. All of the class was asked who they thought the tallest kid was in the class, so we measured to see who was the tallest. While outside, we utilized the climbing apparatus by learning what part of the body that we have to move next in order to get up across and back down. Additionally, we are working on increasing our abilities to coordinate movements in throwing, catching, and kicking.

Moving forward into August, we are going to talk about community helpers and what they do to help the community. Some fun visitors will be joining our class to tell us all about what they do and even some special activities that we can put our hands into. In talking about the community, we will be discussing self and social awareness. Our Early Learning Guidelines talk about how self and social awareness for very young children includes learning about self, others, and the world around them. As infants, toddlers, and twos are able to notice differences between themselves and others, they begin to be aware of and learn to be respectful of each other’s unique characteristics, abilities, and talents. Beginning concepts can be explored with questions such as, “Who are the members of my family?” “Who are our neighbors?” “Where do we live?” Skills such as working independently, problem solving, and making decisions begin when very young children engage in activities with others. These activities will be the foundation of later learning in history, geography, economics, and civics.

Mollie Sanders

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