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Ms Tuyet's Class - Preschool 2

As summer break is drawing to a close, I would love to highlight how much fun we have had in the month of July. The most exciting thing that the kids love to talk about is our new playground. The children have loved exploring the new and fun activities we have available. It was fascinating to watch how the children were hesitant about some of the new experiences, like needing a teacher to help them get on the zip line or needing a teacher to help push them while on the swings. It took the children a few days to build up their confidence to do it all on their own. The new playground has provided the children with experiences that foster their social development, feed their senses, strengthen their gross motor skills, and explore their creative minds. I can’t wait to see what else the children will discover with our new playground equipment!

The month of August will bring a lot of changes to some of our older classmates because they will be transitioning to go to kindergarten. We will be discussing as well as reading a few books like On the First Day of Kindergarten by Tish Rabe and Jumping into Kindergarten by Julia Cook, to help get the children prepared for their next developmental stage. I would like to encourage our families to continue to talk about how exciting it’ll be to go to a new school and about the new fun adventures.

In addition to learning about going to kindergarten, we will also be learning about pets. The children have been interested in pets for a few weeks, and we would like to foster their learning by talking about what interests them. I would love to invite our families to bring in any pictures or books you might have concerning the pets you have at home. If you have a small pet, like a goldfish, we might be able to make arrangements for the small pet to come visit us for the day. Please let me know, and we can work out the details.

I would love to encourage parents to come and stop by our classroom. The children love when we have visitors. Please come during lunch time, outside time, or circle time, whenever you are free. You are always welcome!

Ms. Tuyet

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