Hello from Classroom 1,
Play is the soil in which creativity and imagination is born and nurtured in the life of a young child. When given open-ended, non-specific materials, they imagine and create new uses for ordinary things. For example, a cardboard box becomes a plane, a castle, or a fort. A strip of fabric becomes a dress, a sail on a boat, or a blanket for a doll. As children engage in dramatic play, they imagine what it is like to walk, talk, and act like another person. As children explore and experiment with art materials, they create ways to express and bring to life the thoughts and ideas that rumble around in their heads, thus making their thinking visible.
So on that note, our class is going to start creating a castle or fort out of cardboard boxes. This will allow us to work together as a class. We will be working together using different ideas from each child and their imagination, because after all, “Play is essential to development. . .Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development.”
Thank you,
Ms. Jen & Ms. Halle