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Ms Emily's Class - Toddler 4

Hello from Toddler 4!

We have been doing a lot of exciting things this month. We have been exploring our scientific side by questioning, exploring, problem solving, discovering, and examining. One example of this is exploring different materials in the sensory table, which included colored rice and cloud dough that was made from flour and baby oil. The children have really enjoyed exploring with their senses as well as expanding on the understanding of cause and effect relationships.

In the coming month, we will continue to explore with different materials in the sensory table such as oatmeal and a variety of beans. Our new focus this month will turn to our social and personal skills. We will work on developing strategies to regulate actions and behaviors. Some activities that we will focus on in the classroom to facilitate this growth include offering stuffed animals at different centers to help with emotional support and singing songs and reading books. We encourage you to use these activities at home to facilitate our learning in the classroom.

We look forward to this coming month and the wonderful learning opportunities it has to offer!

Ms. Emily

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