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Ms Erin & Ms Allison's Class - Early Preschool 2

As we continue to transition into Fall, we are exploring the weather changes in our classroom. We have brought acorns, pine cones, and pumpkins into our class and have let the children observe and play with them. We have done several experiments such as pumpkin slime, pumpkin play dough, and weighing pumpkins on a scale. We have discussed the changes in the weather and will start tracking temperatures in November using an outside thermometer.

We will also be focusing on being thankful and recognizing what we each are thankful for. We will have a thankful turkey on our classroom wall and would like each parent at pick up or drop off to talk with your child, put a feather on the turkey, and write what you are thankful for.

Our ELG for the month of November will be Social and Personal Skills Standard 1: “The child will participate in activities to develop the skills necessary for working and interacting with others”.

Reminder, as the weather gets colder, please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing in their cubby.

Ms. Erin and Ms. Allison

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