Hello, Parents!
As the season changes, so are our children. In saying this, I love their curiosity along with all the questions they ask. So for the month of December, we will enjoy learning the answers to these five questions:
1.) Where does snow come from?
2.) Why is snow white?
3.) Why does it snow?
4.) Can we make snow?
5.) Why does it melt?
These questions come from your children when we talk about what they want to learn next during Large Group time. By gaining this insight ahead of time, I can incorporate the things they need to learn for kindergarten. This makes learning fun and inviting for the children. In the month of December, we will explore, create, and discover the “whys” of snow.
ELG Science Standard 4 Earth/Space- The child will investigate and observe the basic concepts of the Earth.
Literacy Standard 3- The child will understand the characteristics of written language.
Ms. Teresa