Hello from Toddler 4!
This month we have been working on great things and building on one of our many skills.Our classroom focus has been on communication skills and early literacy with a focus on expressing needs, thoughts, and interests through gestures, sounds, and words, as well as pre-writing skills that involve exploring different tools that will lead to the development of writing. Some of the classroom activities we have been doing that support those skills include drawing and writing with different materials, and sensory play with bubbles, oatmeal, potato flakes, and pasta. When it comes to communication skills, you can make an every day experience a learning one by offering new vocabulary.
In the new month, we will start to develop an understanding of ourselves and others and how we are a part of what makes a community. We will start to incorporate objects from our community. We would love it if you could bring different objects into our classroom, such as restaurant menus, paper bags, stamps, maps, etc.
Another point I would like to make as we settle into the new year is that family reading time is important. These activities will build a bond with your family as well as help improve fine motor skills by turning pages, and it will develop emergent reading skills.
We are excited about what this next month has in store for us, and we are excited to be spending it together as a class!
Ms. Emily and Ms. Riley