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Ms Jessica's Class - Preschool 1


It seems like February just flew by. Thank you so much for everyone who came to our Valentine’s party; parties are always so much fun.

Throughout the past month, we have been doing a lot of child-decided activities. The children get to choose what goes in the sensory table. If they choose water, they get to choose the coloring for the water and if they want a scent. Everyday each child gets to pick his/her own job for the day. With my allowing them to make decisions, it makes them feel more in control of their activities, which helps them to have more realistic expectations. These little things make our days go so much smoother.

This upcoming month we will be doing an All About Me study, which I am so excited for and I think the children will love it.

We are impatiently waiting for Spring! We are so ready to spend the majority of each day outside!

I am looking forward to conferences to get to visit with each of you. The sign-up sheet will be on our classroom door.

Ms. Jessica

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