Is February really over already?!
We have been hard at work with a number of things this past month. We are learning how to sit at the table like the big kids, how to use a cup and eating utensils, and how to use nice touches with our friends. Some of our infants have learned the new and exciting technique known as "pulling up." This is a great milestone as it develops cause and effect and risk taking, involves many large muscle groups, and is a prelude to standing unassisted, and finally.......WALKING! AHHHHH! While this is a great achievement, it does come with a few bumps and bruises. Infants are very resilient in that when they fall, they get right back up and try again.
During the coming months we are planning some fun activities that we hope you can join in! We will be working on St. Patrick's Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Grandparents' Day activities. If you have any ideas, we will incorporate them into our lesson plans.
Please remember that colder weather may be with us for a few more weeks. The children will still need warm clothes, shoes, hats, and gloves to play comfortably outdoors when permitted by the weather.
Ms. Michelle
Ms. Stephanie
Ms. Hayden