Hello from Ms. Nikki’s classroom! I want to take this time to say to my children that I miss you all and hope you are doing well during this time, and I can’t wait to see you again. As we go into next month, we will be studying insects, so we will be outside a lot studying where they live, what they eat, how many legs they have, and whether they can fly, jump, or crawl. I will also be sending a worksheet home to parents so that they can learn at home about the insects together, then come back to class and discuss what they learned with friends. We will be doing this study through August if the children are still interested in it; this is the best time of year to do this study! I am really excited about this lesson plan, and I hope your kiddos will be, too! I want to say again, I miss all of you and can’t wait to see you again! Ms. Nikki EPS