Hello from T1!
I just want to say that I think April certainly did not turn out as we all were expecting! These are challenging times, but I am proud of all of our students for being such troopers and overcoming and adapting to new situations. We miss each and every one of you who have been at home; your families bring so much joy and enrichment to our lives. We cannot wait for the days when our classrooms are filled with smiles and the laughter of all our students again. Until then I wanted to post a play dough recipe that could be fun to make with your children!
Playdough ingredients:
2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup salt
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 cups lukewarm water
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (coconut oil works, too)
Food coloring, optional
Quart sized bags
Stir together the flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a large pot. Next add the water and oil. If you’re only making one color, add in the color now as well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball. Remove from heat, then place inside a gallon sized bag or onto wax paper. Allow to cool slightly, then knead until smooth. If you’re adding colors after, divide the dough into balls (for how many colors you want), then add the dough into the quart sized bags. Start with about 5 drops of color and add more to brighten it. Knead the dough while inside the bag so it doesn’t stain your hands. Once it’s all mixed together, you’re ready to PLAY.
For the Month of May we are going to be discussing the topic of Transportation! Our students are always very interested in the different types of vehicles we see in books and out on the street. We will be talking about all kinds of transportation, what they are called, and their functions. We will also be talking about our colors and quantifying how many vehicles we see. I also have several art activities planned that involve painting with cars, trucks, and planes! I think it is going to be really fun, and I hope that we may get back to normal soon so everyone can enjoy the activities together!
We miss you!
Ms. Amanda and Ms. Priscilla