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Ms Anita's Class - Toddler 1

As the New Year begins, we will be focusing on getting back to where we left off. We will do this by getting back into our daily routines, following classroom expectations, and singing and dancing to the children’s favorite songs. Some new goals we will be focusing on also include being able to recognize some rhyming words. We will do this by reading books that rhyme. When you read familiar books to the children, they begin to memorize and eventually start repeating those words with some guidance. This will help their language blossom over time.

I encourage you parents to find a rhyming book to read with your children at home. This is also such a great way to bond and teach your children the language they need to succeed. Some examples are Goodnight Moon, Hey Diddle Diddle, and so many more. If you would like, I encourage you as the parent or guardian to take pictures of you and your child reading these rhyming books so they can look at them in class. Please email me at

As always, everyone stay safe! We cannot wait to see what the new year will bring us in T1.

Ms. Anita & Ms. Regan


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